Middle School Introductory Computer Science Curriculum Crosswalk
Developed as part of the Extending the CS Pipeline: Enhancing Rigor and Relevance in Middle School CS Project. Finding the right...
Ready-to-use resources for practitioners, researchers, and advocates.
Middle School Introductory Computer Science Curriculum Crosswalk
School Recruitment Resource Packet
AI in K-12 Education: NJ Executive Briefing
Building Computer Science Education Capacity in Middle Schools: A University-District Partnership
Community-Engaged Pedagogy by Design: Practical Strategies for Promoting Transformative Learning
CS Professional Learning: A Ready-To-Use Component Library
Computer Science Teacher Capacity: The Need for Expanded Understanding
2022 Annual Rutgers University Computer Science Summit on Scalability & Diversity
Code in Every Class: A Book Club Facilitators' Resource
Coded Bias Movie Night Bundle