Developed as part of the Extending the CS Pipeline: Enhancing Rigor and Relevance in Middle School CS Project.
Finding the right introductory computer science curriculum for middle school students is crucial for educators. The Rutgers Middle School Introductory CS Curriculum Crosswalk has been developed to simplify this process by providing detailed information on eight different curricula. This tool helps teachers by presenting key facts about each option, including its approach to teaching computer science, whether through games, storytelling, or other engaging methods.
The crosswalk offers a clear course description from each curriculum provider, access to their website, details about the curriculum's structure, the programming languages used, and how the lessons are organized. It also covers practical details like the cost for classroom use, how the curriculum was funded, how often it's updated, and what kind of training is available for teachers. This straightforward approach allows educators to quickly compare different curricula, understand what each one offers, and decide which is best suited to their students' needs and their teaching goals.
Suggested citation:
Center for Effective School Practices (2024). Middle School Introductory Computer Science Curriculum Crosswalk. Rutgers University.